Robotic Manipulation

Perception, Planning, and Control

Russ Tedrake

© Russ Tedrake, 2020-2024
Last modified .
How to cite these notes, use annotations, and give feedback.

Note: These are working notes used for a course being taught at MIT. They will be updated throughout the Fall 2024 semester.

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How to cite these notes

Thank you for citing these notes in your work. Please use the following citation:

  title        = "Robotic Manipulation",
  subtitle     = "Perception, Planning, and Control",
  howpublished = "Course Notes for MIT 6.421",
  author       = "Tedrake, Russ",
  year         = 2024,
  url          = "",

Annotation tool etiquette

My primary goal for the annotation tool is to host a completely open dialogue on the intellectual content of the text. However, it has turned out to serve an additional purpose: it's a convenient way to point out my miscellaneous typos and grammatical blips. The only problem is that if you highlight a typo, and I fix it 10 minutes later, your highlight will persist forevermore. Ultimately this pollutes the annotation content.

There are two possible solutions: Ideally, once I mark a comment as "done", I would appreciate it if you can delete that comment.

I highly value both the discussions and the corrections. Please keep them coming, and thank you!

Some great final projects

Each semester students put together a final project using the tools from this class. So many of them are fantastic! Here is a small sample that captures some of the diversity.

Fall 2023 Outstanding Project Awards:

And here is a playlist of all the 2023 projects which opted in to being public.

Fall 2022 Outstanding Project Awards (playlist):

Fall 2021:

Fall 2020:

Please give me feedback!

I'm very interested in your feedback. The annotation tool is one mechanism, but you can also comment directly on the YouTube lectures, or even add issues to the github repo that hosts these course notes.

I will also post a proper survey questionnaire here once the notes/course has existed long enough for that to make sense.

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